A corporate identity or corporate image is the manner in which a corporation, firm or business enterprise presents itself to the public (such as customers and investors as well as employees) .
In this edition of the BRANDNIGERIA, we present the much-anticipated report of the annual top brand's evaluation. It is the full report of the perceived value (non-monetary) of top corporate brands in the country for the year.
Top50 Brands in Nigeria highlighted brands that have demonstrated strong resilience and adaptive capacity to the new normal in growing or maintaining their brands. These brands have been able to maintain consumers’ confidence and market shares as observed by professionals and analysts. A few things stand out.
The Most popular brand selection for the year, which is done with the TOM survey will now be conducted among Chief Marketing Officer’s and Head of Corporate Communications (Affair) of top corporate brands in the country.
Brand has become the most important asset of a corporate organisation. It is beyond just beautiful logos and fine fonts. It is a promise! The brand is a statement of who you are and what you stand for. This is what comes to mind when people come in contact with you or any of your […]
As I was about writing this piece, I listened to a speech by the erudite Professor Charles Soludo at the 1st of October 2019 ‘The Platform Nigeria’ organised by the Covenant Christian Centre, an event designed to facilitate growth in the areas of personal capacity, productivity and national development within Nigeria. His thoughts capture what […]
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet Argungu Fishing Festival This colorful annual festival takes place in Arugungu,(“ar-GOON-goo”), a riverside town in Kebbi State, about 64 miles from Sokoto. 3. Sharo/Shadi Festival The Fulani culture presents a complex system, involving age-old initiations. The most important is the Sharo or Shadi (flogging meeting), believed to have originated among […]